Thursday, February 25, 2010


I got a bow about 3 weeks ago.

Will Treaty was getting a new 45-60 pound bow so I brought this bow off him for $45. 
This bow is a 25 pound bow.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A.R's Birthday

This is my little sister, it's her birthday today.
She is now 3 years old. 
Have a good birthday Rosie
I love you Rosie.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Mum

  Happy Birthday Mum!
It is my Mum's birthday today- she is really old, but I am not allowed to tell you exactly how old, cause she will kill me if I do- not really!
I hope you have a lovely birthday at the beach.
I love you!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


We are going to go to the beach tomorrow for 2 weeks. 
We're renting a holiday house.
It backs onto the beach.
We're going to take our boat so that means we are going to go fishing, boating fun, and have a great lot of fun at the beach.
We haven't been on a beach holiday for about 3 years but we have been on other holidays.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is a Wurley, Aboriginals used this for shelter and a nice dry place at night.
I made it for school work because were doing Australia History this year.

They were only made from a couple of things like branches, bark, leaves and mud to hold it together.

But I made it a bit smaller and with a couple of different things sticks, leaves and hot glue in place of the mud.
  It's a simple design, it's nearly the same as a full size one.

But I put tissue over the supporting sticks to make it easy are to glue the leaves on.
They are also called Mai-Mai, Gundy, Goondie, and Humpy.
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