Saturday, December 19, 2009


We have a new member of our family Jazzy
We got a new cat yesterday, we called her Jazzy.
We wanted a cat for a long time because we had a different cat and there were no mice but when she died there started to be mice back in our house so we wanted to get a cat.

She is only 8 weeks old, she likes to play with these balls that we brought for her.
I wanted a new cat for 2 years because our old cat was nearly 16 human years old when she died.
I liked her the most, every one else didn't do anything to help our old cat, anyway she didn't come for anyone else except me or Mum.
She slept on my bed and love me because I fed her.

Jazzy likes to sleep on a window-sill and I want to look after her as I look after our old cat.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Well I like kittens but I don't like grown cats.

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